In 1998, the companies Stephan Schmidt KG (SSKG), Dornburg and Goerg & Schneider GmbH u. Co. KG (G&S) decided to found a joint company,…
This year's long-serving employees were honoured during a joint lunch. Ms Eberth can look back on 40 years of service, Ms Kittsteiner and Mr…
After more than 20 years as managing partner, Mrs. Martina Goerg has retired from the management as of June 30, 2023. She will continue to be…
This year, the following people were honored for 10 years of service: Anna Wirth, Gerd Radermacher, Nicole Pfeiffer Christine Röhl and Werner…
For the new training year we welcome: - Emelie Zimmermann for the apprenticeship "Prüftechnologin". - Cedric Kukat as "Industriekeramiker". …
Raw Material Day 2022: Climate change and digitalization - challenges for securing the supply of raw materials
A total of 4 young employees successfully passed their final examinations in their apprenticeship jobs as industrial business management assistant,…
Clay is a natural product, the white gold of the Westerwald. Since 1924, we have been mining this raw material and preparing it for our customers for…
As part of its strategic focus on the ceramic brick and clinker industry, G&S has acquired the "Zimmermann" open pit clay mine near Staudt/WW together…
After more than 25 years of service to G&S, Mr. Werner Stendebach has entered a well-deserved retirement. As Head of Technical Services, he trained…
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